What is CSS?
It is the language used to shape and style to any website. In Blogger, almost all modifications to change the look of a template is done in css section, ie the code that is between the tags:
<b:skin> <! [CDATA [

<! - CSS Here ->

]]> </ B: skin>
They can be pretty good tutorial Web Development and an excellent book on Web Books .
What is XML?
It is a tag-based semantic language whose function is pre-defined. In this case, blogger who gives each function. In practice, it is very necessary to make changes in the xml section of Blogger and even understand it helps, it is not necessary to style a template.
What are the license "Creative Commons"?
The Creative Commons licenses are a form of regulation that have the authors of some content, in this case, the templates. These licenses are always demand a link to it or the author and may limit its use only to personal projects, creating derivative works and the distribution of these.
Keep in mind that Creative Commons is not synonymous at any time "free", to learn more about this type of license we recommend visiting the site of Creative Commons .
Why I can not install the templates?
It may be due to several factors, including: The browser or operating system does not correctly interpret the characters, improperly copied the code or template is designed for another version of blogger.
Some possible solutions are:
  • Install the template up the xml file directly .
  • Use another browser. Recommended: Firefox and Opera.
  • Verify that the browser is encoded in UTF-7. (Menu "View" option "character encoding."
  • Install the template of a newer operating system.
How I can customize my template? Customize a template can be as complex as you like, is rather broad topic, but most parameters as the type style, color and font size, spacing and element size can be changed in the css template section. Some already have set options to change colors and fonts from the panel, check if they have this feature on the "Template" and option "Fonts and colors".
Another simple way to change them is to change the images that compose with others of the same size.See details ).
How to adapt templates to work in Blogger?
The question of the $ 64,000. As I have always answered, adapt a template is not a secret, 97% of the process is done only using css.
It involves taking the attributes of each class or the original template selector and cash them giving each class or equivalent selector blogger. The original template classes vary widely and must be analyzed one by one, for their part, blogger classes are always the same. It is advisable to take a template and study classes are structured in blogger.
Example: In wordpress is very common for the class to date is: . date , while the blogger's equivalent class. date-header .
How to create my own template?
Creating a template from scratch demand to know the basics well and css and html xml point of having notions.
You can also find more specific issues in our section of Blogger .
How to add / remove blogger bar (navbar) in my template?
Why is shifted down the sidebar of my blog?
This is one of the most frequent and mainly affects Internet Explorer, is that it has placed too great an element in your sidebar or any entry, to occupy more space than is available sidebar at the end of phase with the page.
The simplest solution is to remove or modify those elements that exceed the width allowed in the sidebar or entries. Allowed width can be measured with a Firefox extension .
How to advertise on Blogger?
We recommend you consult Article: 10 Places to put Adsense in Blogger .
How to change or place a header on my blog?
It can be done mainly in two ways:
  • CSS . Adding the top and bottom of the selectors: # header-wrapper, # header or # header-inner. View method .
  • Panel. Blogger and has included the option to put a header on your blog directly. View method .
If you know some css, the recommendation is to do with the first option from the panel because it may have some display issues.
How to hide the title of the blog?
Hide blog title can be done by adding the following code:
# Header-wrapper h1 {display: none, visibility: hidden, height: 0;}
css section of the template.
How to Put Icons in Blogger?
The placement of icons can also be done quickly and easily with CSS. See process .
How to display recent posts or comments in the sidebar?
Thanks to blogger widgets and feeds this process is quite simple. See process .
Why not show the post date at all?
Unfortunately Blogger has the system only display the date on the last post posted each day, so in the rest, will not appear.
How to use feedburner with my template?
The first is to subscribe to the feed of your blog to feedfurner and then change the link at the bottom of the template. See process .
How to remove the link in the images of blogger?
Eliminating <a> </ a> that surround the image code. See process .
I like the template "x", could adapt?
Because it would be impossible to adapt the template that everyone wants and to not look bad to anyone, do not do special requests . We always try to adapt the most popular templates to cover as many tastes. Any way you can send your suggestions to our e- contact .
How to operate the links menu templates?
The process to change the links shown on each template, so I invite you to read entire post that was published you're using. You can find every post in our " Blogger Templates ".
How to create sections in my blog to put on the menu?
Unfortunately Blogger has no way of making sections directly (as the 'pages' in WordPress), but done through entries:
  • Create an entry with the title and content of the section you want, for example, "contact".
  • Post entry.
  • Sign in and copy the address.
  • Replace the address in the menu code. Each template brings the instructions on how to make this substitution.
Another common way is to use the major labels address of your blog.
Why have some of the pictures of my template?
The templates include as many images hosted on Blogger, which have no expiration problems or bandwidth, but Blogger does not allow upload images smaller than 10px and necessitating the use of other free services, mainly imageshack .
The images hosted on these servers can expire or cease to be visible at certain times, to avoid this, we recommend that once installed your template, you download all images hosted on imageshack, looking for addresses directly into the code and replace them with the address of that image on another free service, for example googlepages , photobucket or new account on imageshack .
I can remove the credits? Template?
No, to eliminate us would be using an illegal copy of the template. What it can do is move them or format, provided they remain visible. You can also simplify and leaving only the name of the designer and who adapt the template if you so require.
Actually I think a 'price' on leave links to use professional designs without paying a weight beyond legal issues, we ask links conserves both the designer and as one who fits the template, to encourage such initiatives.
You can find more useful information on this topic at:
Some questions we have omitted the breadth of the subject, its obviousness, its specificity or simply because they know the solution. It would have been helpful to publish this FAQ from the beginning, but as they say "better late than never". I hope to help dispel some doubts, especially for those who start their blog or change your template first

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