Web optimization: SEO, speed and performance
The website optimization is not always so trivial and sometimes may require fairly deep knowledge of Linux, networking, PHP, SEO, PHP, MySQL,. htaccess, hosting servidoreselaboración profiling, benchmarking tools ...
Often, for SMEs, intellectual capital required to optimize website correctly not available immediately and put their faith in the performance of your default CMS (content management system) and web hosting services.
WordPress or Drupal are good CMS that will offer pretty good performance with decent web hosting service. However, improvements can always be made Web performance .
This article will talk about why the performance and speed of a website are so important, and how to improve the productivity of your blog or website - with a focus on performance improvements secondary server (ie PHP, MySQL, APC, server configuration, database configuration ...).
Google, web speed and search engine optimization
Google sites favors rapid loading speed. Why? Because they offer a better experience than it is web browsing , that is, if a website is faster, the better ranked in the search engine results pages .
Web loading speed is dependent on:
- Server.
- Transfer.
- Page.
The online SEO tools focus on the last two, because there is no way to know what happens on your server to generate Web pages.
Web speed and performance
Many people focus on reducing transfer size for bandwidth and latency of the network are often bottlenecks fast.
But there are big profits in web loading speed to consider when analyzing your code. Here's a step by step guide to improve the performance of a website on the server:
- Use a good hosting provider - VPS, dedicated servers for medium and high traffic, high quality shared hosting for low traffic.
- Benchmark and profile - for example, Xhprof for PHP or Drupal Devel.
- Isolate and troubleshoot scripts, errors, problems with memory, CPU intensive functions ...
- Isolate and troubleshoot slow DB queries and optimize database.
- Caching - this reduces the processing load on the server and storing the cached pages.
- Implement or code accelerator cache which will also reduce the burden of servers - for example, APC (Alternative PHP Cache) for PHP.
If PHP, HTML, development, coding, server configuration, or anything else related to web performance is not the main focus of your business , hire an expert to do it for you.
It will cost, but the benefits are immediate and substantial - if you have someone who knows what they are doing, can be a faster process.
Have you tried to speed up your site? What tips have boosted their optimum website optimization?
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