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Finally the wait is over and The Force Awakens hit theaters, exhausted tickets and box office records when not passed or the premiere. But is it really so worth the wait?Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)Try to write a review when a tape film has such relevance and even has a personal meaning, is always difficult, because objectivity is lost. Try to ignore the fact that this is the first Star Wars film in 10 years (Episode 3) and 32 years of The Return of The Jedi, it is difficult, it is impossible to avoid goosebumps when the score of John Williams plays as the famous logo Star Wars is displayed, bristly hairs on your neck when you see the Millenium Falcon again or that tickle in your stomach when Han Solo and Chewie reappear on the big screen after three decades.The story is simple, not going to tell you something you have not seen in the trailers or the official synopsis, or even in the same interviews actors, director and writers got on the press tour.Yes. That’s our answer. Yes true, yes meet expectations, it works as a good approach to what is coming. Maybe they lacked a little risk and much grasp of figures from the past, but it is understood when it is the beginning of a trilogy. However, it is a film that is enjoyed, touching sensitive fibers that excites you and, most importantly, entertains you, because in the end you go to the movies for that.
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