To do good deeds good materials to be handled. This is a very generic statement but applicable to virtually any profession. For photography and retouching, often our projects, the final image that we have in mind, are frustrated by the lack of a background, a model, a lighting equipment ... and many times a good bank images can help us succeed.
Take the example of the photograph that follows the left. The decision is correct, the model is favored and their legs are very long, but to give a finishing touch that turns into a good image, I need a suitable background. As I found in my files either resorted to that seen on the right and downloaded Depositphotos .
That allowed me to create this image that greatly improves the original shot
Background-Belinda Omnifoto
Banks have decorated images, photographs of interiors, landscapes, still lifes, furniture elements ... well, almost everything imaginable and have it well organized so that typing key words we can easily access the search results.
Another particularly useful application of a bank of images for a photographer is to locate textures that can serve as background to a portrait or a still life. If I enter the words textures and backgrounds  in to Depositphotos, I'll get over 19,000 pages, each with fifty images so it is fairly easy for the texture I'm looking for from among them.
One of the advantages of image repositories is that they are fed by the work of photographers used to work for photographers and publishing industry (magazines, books) and therefore the match between the images that we provide and the needs that have to cover is very high. It is extremely unlikely that the image you're looking for is not in a good image bank.
In the next picture I did a search on Depositphotos with "textures and backgrounds yellow" and chose one of the options on the first page that I thought búseda served to give the warm atmosphere with which he wanted to finish the portrait.
Until recently, image banks were only available to advertising agencies or clients who have a budget for a particular job, his photographs were expensive. But that has long since changed.And following as the previous example Depositphotos same as seen on the pricing page , a user can eventually buy 50 images for $ 50 (38 euros) but someone eating a lot more images could get even more advantageous tariffs.

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