Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Search engine optimization (SEO, Search Engine Optimization) - a set of works to improve the visibility of a website in search engines, or, more simply, to improve its position for a particular search. Search engine optimization has arisen with the advent of a popular search engine Yandex, Rambler and Google and developed with the improvement of their algorithms. This development has a stable trend from black SEO-spam methods to organic optimization, enjoyable for both users and search engines. We use a holistic approach to search engine optimization, so the sites that we work with, not just appear on the top positions on the selected queries, but also serve as a constant source of their owners clients. 

We know how to optimize your website! For over 10 years, we provide services for the promotion and optimization of websites in search engines Yandex and Google. During this time we have gained experience, successfully applied in projects of varying difficulty . We know that to offer the owners of a small website, news of the project or a major online store. In addition, we are always looking for new unconventional projects requiring an individual approach and original solutions in SEO. If you decide to order the search engine optimization of a site, but you are interested in, which includes the service, below you can find a brief overview. 

The order site optimization: 7 main steps 

1. Selection of inquiries for promotion (of semantic core) In all areas of business, on the site, or at the specified priority areas of the millions of queries entered by users of search engines, we select only those that lead to your website potential customers. To achieve this, the selection of queries, we consider the following factors: - The contents of the site; - The specifics of your business; - The age and other indicators of the site; - The budget of the campaign; - The ratio of the cost of promoting a query to the number of visitors attracted. More details about the selection of queries discussed in our article " How to choose the keywords " 

2. Choice of landing pages to promote Selected queries we merge into logical groups, each of which we select existing or create new pages on your website. Distribution of queries must be agreed with the owner of the site, after which our specialists are ready to write the terms of reference for SEO optimization. 

3. Optimize pages for search queries Based on an analysis of your competitors and using its own work of our company, we make a plan to optimize each page being promoted by a group selected for her requests. The plan includes: - The contents of meta tags; - A task for optimized text; - Guidelines for filling the page content. Optimized thus maximize the page will reveal the essence of the promoted product or service that will surely appeal to both your visitors and search engines. For the rest of the pages on your site, we will also prepare recommendations for optimization, but less detailed. Therefore, the growth of positions on request and, therefore, attendance will be observed on neprodvigaemyh pages. 

4. Technical Audit We have developed a special system that scans the site for various errors that prevent its normal operation, and indexing. On the basis of the report of this system we will offer you a number of changes that will help to correct any single error in the site and make it even better search engine optimization. 

5. Improving quality custom website (usability) Our expert is browsing your site, identifying features that could alienate users or interfere with your viewing of contents. At this stage, we will check: - The quality of the display in different browsers (cross-browser compatibility); - Operability baskets and various forms of feedback; - Ease of navigation; - Ease of perception and more. As a result of this analysis, we provide some tips that help you resolve the most common mistakes, but in any case not a substitute for professional usability audit . 

6. Drafting and implementation of TK All of the above recommendations are made in the form of reference (TOR) for site optimization, which can be realized only after the approval of the client. That is, no change will not be made without your consent. You can not worry about the performance of your site, as all work is carried out by our full-time webmasters with extensive work experience. Also without fail, we regularly create backups of your site (backups) in case of failure and data loss. If for some reason access to the site can not be granted to our experts, you can implement on their own TK. 

7. Checking and correcting the optimization Optimizers have to constantly monitor and improve the internal site optimization due to the following factors: - Changing algorithms of search engines; - The constant strengthening of competition in the fight for the top; - Changes to the site without the consent of the optimizer. For this purpose we have created internal automated services that help optimizers timely detect and correct errors SEO, as well as to identify and analyze your main competitors out top search engines. If you carefully read the above written, it will probably have realized that optimizing a website for search engines - a process that requires high level of professionalism and expertise with which to fully possess our experts

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